Sunday, March 7, 2010

Fashion: Oscar, the night before

I wish I can do a pictorial preview/prediction of tomorrow's epic red carpet, but it's too late and it's my 4th post today, so I must keep it short and jump in bed quickly.

All in all, hopefully I'll see some real drama on the carpet tomorrow. Last year's Oscar red carpet was far too tame and conservation, it's the mother of all red carpet and it deserves some over the top (but sensible) glamour and a true celebration of unapologetic and idealized hollywood extravagance.

Hopefully it won't be dominated by Galliano, Valentino, Versace, De la Renta, some new faces could be nice, but the power of red carpet to catapult new designers to superstardom nowadays is questionable, but still, seeing someone taking a chance would be nice. My vote goes to Carey Mullegan to wear something/someone surprising.

So bring on the ruffles, the cleavage, the see-through, and the ridiculously long train, and the bold colors, and the glitz and glam, also the "worth enough to buy a house in beverly hills" jewelry. Wear all those, smile to your fans, and fake clap to the person who had just beaten you, and don't forget to mention the earthquake victims of Haiti, Chile, and Taiwan.

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